
Animation/ 3D studio



3D Print


About Us

Proin sed ipsum bibendum, bibendum urna nec dignissim iaculis. Donec ultricies, tortor eu blandit posuere, diam eros rutrum semet nulla. Fusce congue, elit a lacinia luctus, augue magna fringilla tortor, et ornare est turpis ut est.

Donec ultricies, tortor eu blandit posuere et nulla. Fusce congue – elit a lacinia luctus, augue magna fringilla tortor et ornare.

We Are Creative

Donec ultricies, tortor eu blandit posuere, diam eros rutrum sem, at scelerisque nisl lectus et nulla. Fusce congue – elit a lacinia luctus, augue magna fringilla tortor et ornare.

We Are Innovative

Dam eros rutrum sem, at scelerisque nisl lectus et congue, elit a lacinia luctus nulla. Fusce congue – elit a lacinia luctus, augue magna fringilla tortor et ornare.

We Are Professional

Donec congue elit a lacinia luctus - ultricies tortor eu blandit posuerl lectus et nulla. Fusce congue – elit a lacinia luctus, augue magna fringilla tortor ornare lorem ipsum nulla.

Featured Projects

Vivamus rutrum ante. Etiam vel lacus sed tellus dignissim iaculis. Donec ultricies, tortor eu blandit posuere, diam eros rutrum semet nulla. Fusce congue, elit a lacinia luctus, augue magna fringilla tortor, et ornare est turpis ut est.

Insta Story Layouts

Instagram story layout from Hunsk Instagram story layoutsDeze unieke insta story layouts gaven een extra dimensie aan het social media verhaal.

Biorizon explainer video

Biorizon (3D) explainer videoIn cooperation with Aad Verstraelen en Terralon, Hunsk took care of the 3D aspects of this explainer video. Laying out the long term vision of the Biorizon company. Biorizon Explainer video

VR in the hospital

VR in the hospitalWith the support of VRT sandbox and in cooperation with JEF vzw and soulmade, we realised a VR experience to lift the spirits of children with extended hospital stays. Together with the people from JEF we visited children at hospitals and a rehabilitation center. The audience we would be making the app…

Hilti explainer video

Hilti explainer videoTo familiarize users with an updated product, we created this explainer video. Showing the inner workings of the product and highlighting the benefits of using the new version. Once satisfied with our storyboard, we created the full animated video for the client. Matching it to the look they were going for. The finished…

Miniature heroes

miniature heroes This assignment for a private client presented us with an opportunity to poor our creativity in a bunch of traditional fantasy characters, like elves, dwarves,… Custom made to fit his dungeons and dragons campaign. These figures are +/- 3cm tall when printed, so we had to pursue a balance between fine detail and…

Our Services

Vibendum, bibendum urna nec dignissim iaculis. Donec ultricies, tortor eu blandit posuere, diam eros rutrum semet nulla.

Fusce congue, elit a lacinia luctus, augue magna fringilla tortor, et ornare est turpis ut est. Donec ultricies, tortor eu blandit posuere et nulla – elit a lacinia luctus, augue magna fringilla tortor et ornare.

Online Marketing

Sed tellus dignissim iaculis. Donec ultricies posuere, diam eros rutrum sem, at scelerisque nisl lectus et nulla. Fusce congue – elit a lacinia luctus, augue magna fringilla tortor et ornare.
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Web Design

Donec ultricies, tortor eu blandit posuere, diam eros rutrum sem, at scelerisque nisl lectus et nulla. Fusce congue – elit a lacinia luctus, augue magna fringilla tortor et ornare.
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Donec ultricies, tortor eu blandit ! Sed tellus dignissi eu blandit posuere, diam eros rutrum sem, at scelerisque nisl lectus et nulla. Fusce congue - fringilla tortor et ornare.
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Mobile Apps

Donec ultricies, tortor eu blandit ! Sed tellus dignissim iaculis. Donec ultricies, tortor eu blandit posuere, diam eros rutrum semla. Fusce congue - fringilla tortor et ornare.
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We are open for partnership

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Meet the Team

Donec ultricies, tortor eu blandit posuere, diam eros rutrum semet nulla. Fusce congue, elit a lacinia luctus, augue magna fringilla tortor, et ornare est turpis ultricies, tortor eu blandit posuere et nulla. Fusce congue – elit a lacinia luctus, augue magna fringilla tortor.

Jente De Hoon

Creative Director

Tom Ramakers


From the Blog

Vlandit posuere, diam eros rutrum semet nullasce congue, elit a lacinia luctus, augue magna fringilla tortor, et ornare est turpis ultricies, tortor eu blandit posu lacinia luctus, augue magna fringilla tortor.

Call us
1 (234) 567-891